Not so "Mini" Mini

Okay, my last blog was so long, I won't bore you with a bunch of words....I found this project on....   It is made from a sewing machine cabinet I found at Goodwill (It even came with a cool blue sewing machine that works!)  It was easy and fun to make!

                                             Sewing cabinet in my messy garage!

                                                   What a cute little sander!

                               priming, sanding, priming, sanding, priming, sanding......

The back is the top of the cabinet and a new piece of board was set on top with a bowl put in it for the sink.

                                                    Oh, what cute help I have!

        Taaa daaa.. the finished kitchen, the door opens to a cooking rack and has a little light!

                                                   A shelf for cooking utensils.
                                This makes me want to redo my real life kitchen!!!!
                                                         Mini Blessings!  Kim


  1. So creative, to see this in a piece of furniture. I would have just walked by it. Love it!!


  2. HOW CUTE!!!! I had a small table with a drawer in it was going to do make a small stove never got a chance I gave it away.
    I had it all painted and had circles for burners but it nere happened ..I love what you did with it!!


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